Details for the 4 different individual pieces displayed in this Gallery
STITCHING FOR WORLD PEACE is designed to become another Mixed Media Art Piece, Mounted on a 1.5 X 2m canvas, ultimately the whole fabric shall be completely stitched up and surrounded by a metal frame of additional 30 cm, which is composed of all the metal pieces I keep finding everywhere.
Please click HERE for the crowdfunding campaign
to "stitch" the Turst Foundation Playground Earth into existence
The series of images (plus the video of the actual Event if you click HERE) show a London Playground event utsiling a huge textile based SUN, a communal (ongoing ) piece I created in 2012...
This is an another "designed to be ongoing" project, as the white fabric on the inside is designed to be stitched on by the participants at each (communal) event ......
The actual size of the SUN is approx 13 metres in diametre
"I am You and we are Gods" was part of my final Exhibition at the Dartington Collecge of performing Arts. This is the biggest piece i ever created (sofar:), 4.20 X 3.50 metres,
This Piece is designed to hang up in the middle of where-ever, as it is literally a huge textile based Mural
stitched up on both sides, displaying "I AM YOU" on one, and "WE ARE GODS" on the other side
@ The images of the fashion show (at Core Arts in London in 2013) display the 2 complete outfits
I made entirely from discarded punctured inner tubes for bicyles,
most of them were being donated by my local bicyle mechanic.